Blockmap - Seatmap (Double instance)
These maps have 1 level.
The following node types are available on these maps.
These types may change on some exceptions. You can always check what types a map have
with the method getTypesList .
The node state indicates the logic behind its interaction. The available states are the following:
: An available node represents a node that can be selected .
: An unavailable node represents a node that cannot be selected .
: A selected node represents a node that was previously available and has been selected .
: A disabled node behaves the same way that an unavailable node, but its state cannot
change to available (although this could be forced with enable and disable methods).
You can read more about state changes here .
Nodes have the following state machine:
Map Viewer
import { loadModule } from "@3ddv/dvm" ;
const root_id = "blockmap" ;
const venue_id = "eu-gb-00006-liverpool" ;
const p1 = loadModule ( "map_viewer" , { container : "blockmap-container" });
const p2 = loadModule ( "map_viewer" , { container : "seatmap-container" });
Promise . all ([ p1 , p2 ]). then (( result ) => {
const [ blockmap , seatmap ] = result ;
start ( blockmap , seatmap );
function start ( blockmap , seatmap ) {
blockmap . max_selection = 1 ;
blockmap . flags . automatic_selection = false ;
blockmap . subscribe ( "load_success" , loadSuccess );
seatmap . subscribe ( "load_success" , loadSuccess );
blockmap . subscribe ( "load_error" , loadError );
seatmap . subscribe ( "load_error" , loadError );
blockmap . subscribe ( "click" , ( obj ) => {
if ( blockmap . getMapId () === root_id ) {
const node = obj . nodes [ 0 ];
if ( node && node . type === "section" ) {
if ( node . state === "available" || node . state === "selected" ) {
blockmap . unselectAll ();
blockmap . select ( node );
loadSeatmap ( seatmap , node . id );
loadRoot ( blockmap );
function loadSuccess ( obj ) {
setFullAvailability ( obj . instance );
function loadError ( err ) {
console . error ( err );
function goBack ( viewer ) {
const current = viewer . getMapId ();
if ( current && current !== root_id ) {
loadRoot ( viewer );
function loadRoot ( viewer ) {
return viewer . loadMap ({ venue_id : venue_id , map_id : root_id }). then (( obj ) => {
viewer . max_selection = 1 ;
viewer . flags . automatic_selection = false ;
function loadSeatmap ( viewer , id ) {
return viewer . loadMap ({ venue_id : venue_id , map_id : id }). then (( obj ) => {
viewer . max_selection = Infinity ;
viewer . flags . automatic_selection = true ;
function setFullAvailability ( viewer ) {
viewer . getTypesList (). forEach (( type ) => {
viewer . setAvailability ( type , viewer . getNodesByType ( type ));