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Migration from legacy TICKETING3D

Load a view:

  • Instead of load, you need to use loadView3d and the venue_id must be always specified. It uses Promises instead of a callback.

DOM management:

  • close method only removes the view from the DOM, but it mantains de view opened in memory. Calling open would append the view again to the DOM. The old method close in TICKETING3D also removed the view from memory (forcing you to load it again).
  • The method reset removes the view from memory, but preserves the viewer on the DOM (with a black screen). To control the size of the viewport, it shares the same API with DVM map_viewer module:
  • fixed_aspect_ratio=true + aspect_ratio=X will adapt to 100% width of its container and will comute the height with the aspect_ratio.
  • fixed_aspect_ratio=false will adapt to 100% width and 100% height (container MUST have height, or it will be 1px).